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Raw Diets for Puppies: How to Get Started Early

Raw Diets for Puppies: How to Get Started Early

Raw Diets for Puppies: How to Get Started Early

When it comes to feeding your puppy, the choices can be overwhelming. While traditional kibble has long been the go-to, more pet owners are exploring the benefits of a raw diet. Feeding raw can be a great option for puppies when done correctly, providing a nutrient-dense diet that supports growth, development, and overall health.

This guide will walk you through the ins and outs of starting your puppy on a raw diet, the benefits it can offer, and how to ensure a safe and balanced approach.


Why Consider a Raw Diet for Puppies?

Nutrient-Rich Diet

Puppies need a nutrient-packed diet during their formative months to support rapid growth and development. Raw diets, made from high-quality meat, bones, and organ meats, offer a natural source of essential nutrients like protein, calcium, and vitamins. These elements are often better absorbed from raw food than processed kibble, which may be lacking in bioavailable nutrients.

Improved Digestion

Many dog owners notice that their puppies digest raw food more efficiently than kibble. With fewer fillers and processed ingredients, raw diets often result in firmer stools and less digestive upset. This is especially beneficial for puppies with sensitive stomachs or those prone to diarrhea.

Stronger Immune System

Feeding your puppy a raw diet may help bolster their immune system. The natural enzymes and nutrients in raw food can help strengthen their defense against infections, improve skin health, and reduce the likelihood of developing allergies.

When Can You Start a Puppy on Raw Food?

The best time to introduce your puppy to raw food is typically around 8 weeks old, once they have been fully weaned. However, some breeders and raw feeding advocates may introduce raw food earlier, as long as the diet is balanced and carefully monitored.

For large breed puppies, it’s important to ensure that their calcium and phosphorus intake is correctly balanced to support proper bone development. Consult with a veterinarian or pet nutritionist before making any dietary changes for growing puppies, especially in large breeds.


How to Safely Introduce Raw Food to Puppies

Gradual Transition

The key to successfully transitioning your puppy to a raw diet is patience. Start by mixing a small portion (10-20%) of raw food into your puppy’s current diet. Over the course of 7-10 days, gradually increase the raw food portion while decreasing the kibble or cooked food until your puppy is eating 100% raw.

Monitor for Digestive Changes

During the transition, keep an eye on your puppy’s stool and behavior. If you notice any signs of digestive upset—such as diarrhea or vomiting—slow down the transition or adjust the portions. Every puppy is different, so it’s important to make the change at a pace that works for them.

Pro Tip: Start with a single protein source, like chicken, before introducing other proteins like beef, turkey, or lamb. This helps your puppy adjust more smoothly and allows you to identify any potential food sensitivities early on.

Essential Components of a Raw Diet for Puppies

To provide your puppy with the nutrients they need, a balanced raw diet should include a variety of proteins, organ meats, bones, and vegetables:

Protein Sources

High-quality proteins like chicken, turkey, beef, and lamb should make up the bulk of your puppy’s diet. These proteins are essential for building strong muscles, supporting growth, and maintaining energy levels.

Organ Meats

Liver, kidney, and heart are nutrient-dense organs that should be included in your puppy’s diet. They are packed with vital vitamins and minerals like iron, vitamin A, and vitamin B12, which contribute to healthy blood, vision, and energy levels.

Raw Bones

Raw bones provide essential calcium and phosphorus, which are crucial for strong bones and teeth. They also offer a natural way for puppies to clean their teeth. Opt for larger bones to avoid choking hazards, and never feed cooked bones, as they can splinter.

Vegetables and Supplements

While meat and bones are the foundation of a raw diet, adding small amounts of vegetables like carrots, peas, or sweet potatoes can provide fiber and additional nutrients. Some puppies may also benefit from supplements like fish oil for omega-3s, which promote brain development and healthy skin.

The Benefits of Adding Sardines to Your Puppy’s Diet

Incorporating sardines into your puppy’s raw diet can provide a boost of essential nutrients. Sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support brain development, improve skin and coat health, and help reduce inflammation. They’re also an excellent source of protein and calcium, making them a nutritious and easily digestible addition to your puppy’s meals. Just be sure to choose fresh, raw sardines without any added salt or preservatives.


How Much Raw Food Should You Feed a Puppy?

Portion Sizes

A general rule of thumb is to feed puppies about 2-3% of their expected adult body weight in raw food per day, split into multiple meals. For example, if your puppy is expected to weigh 50 pounds as an adult, they should be eating around 1 to 1.5 pounds of food per day.

Adjusting as They Grow

As your puppy grows, their caloric needs will change. Adjust their portion sizes as needed based on their activity level and body condition. Puppies are typically fed 3-4 meals a day, but you can reduce the frequency as they get older.

Tip: Use a raw feeding calculator to help determine the right portion sizes based on your puppy’s breed, weight, and growth stage.


Common Myths About Raw Feeding Puppies

Myth 1: Puppies Can’t Digest Raw Food

Some believe that puppies aren’t able to digest raw food as well as kibble, but that’s not the case. In fact, many puppies digest raw food more easily because it’s less processed and contains more natural enzymes that aid digestion.

Myth 2: Raw Feeding Stunts Growth

This myth comes from concerns about nutritional imbalances. However, when a raw diet is properly balanced with a variety of proteins, bones, and organ meats, it provides all the nutrients a puppy needs for healthy growth. In fact, many puppies on raw diets grow strong and lean.

Myth 3: Raw Bones Are Dangerous

Raw bones are often confused with cooked bones, which can splinter and cause harm. Raw bones, on the other hand, are softer and safer for puppies to chew on, providing benefits like dental hygiene and essential minerals.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Switch Back to Kibble Later?

While it’s possible to switch back to kibble, doing so may cause digestive upset as your puppy’s system readjusts. If you’re considering switching back, do so gradually.

What If My Puppy Has a Sensitive Stomach?

If your puppy has a sensitive stomach, introduce raw food slowly and start with a single, easily digestible protein like chicken. Consider adding probiotics or digestive enzymes to help with the transition.

Do I Need to Add Supplements to My Puppy’s Raw Diet?

Depending on the specific needs of your puppy, you may want to add supplements like fish oil, probiotics, or calcium to ensure they are getting all the essential nutrients. Consult with your vet for personalized advice.


Starting your puppy on a raw diet can set the foundation for a lifetime of health and vitality. While the transition may require careful planning and monitoring, the benefits of raw feeding—improved digestion, stronger immunity, and a nutrient-rich diet—make it well worth the effort.

As always, consult with a veterinarian or pet nutritionist before making any changes to your puppy’s diet to ensure that their nutritional needs are being met.

Ready to start your puppy on a raw diet? Visit West Texas Primal Bites for premium raw food options or contact us for personalized advice to help your puppy thrive!